BSI PD CEN/TS 16316:2012
Postal services. Open interface. Sortplan
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
BSI | 2012 | 34 |
This Technical Specification specifies the sort plan file content and structure. It does not deal with other configuration files in sorting machines nor is it applicable to the transport mechanism.
The content of a sort plan allows the specification of the following capabilities:
sorting by address and non-address attributes;
sorting of code ranges;
sorting of rejects;
support of display and label texts;
dynamic outlet groups;
sorting to more than one outlet;
overflow handling;
support of cut off time before dispatch;
sequence sorting;
provide volume information (option);
support of Cards;
possibility to add simple manufacturer specific information;
support of various sort code formats and non-address attributes;
support of various display and label formats;
check against characteristics of the sorting machin.