API RP 59-2006 (R2018)
Recommended Practice for Well Control Operations
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
API | 2006 | 104 |
The purpose of these recommended practices is to provideinformation that can serve as a voluntary industry guide forsafe well control operations. This publication is designed toserve as a direct field aid in well control and as a technicalsource for teaching well control principles. This publicationestablishes recommended operations to retain pressure control of the well under pre-kick conditions and recommendedpractices to be utilized during a kick. It serves as a companionto API RP 53, Recommended Practice for Blowout Prevention Equipment Systems for Drilling Wells and API RP 64Recommended Practice for Diverter Systems Equipment andOperations (reader should check for the latest edition). RP 53establishes recommended practices for the installation andtesting of equipment for the anticipated well conditions andservice and RP 64 establishes recommended practices forinstallation, testing, and operation of diverters systems anddiscusses the special circumstances of uncontrolled flowfrom shallow gas formations.