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BS 7000-6:2005 (large print version)


Design management systems – Managing inclusive design. Guide

Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
BSI 2005 96
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Though the inclusive approach ultimately encompasses the whole of business and management, this part of BS 7000 provides guidance on managing inclusive design at both organization and project levels. It seeks to link design thinking with the core concerns of organizations in other established business disciplines.

This standard is aimed at:

  1. top executives of all organizations offering products and services. It helps them to lead the introduction of an inclusive approach and evolve an appropriate corporate culture that nurtures inclusive success.
  2. middle executives who set up and administer product and service development projects. It helps them formulate better-focused and more enlightened briefs. It also assists in motivating project teams as well as the evaluation of solutions generated.
  3. junior executives and specialists who are assigned to project teams that create and develop products and services. It helps them adopt more appropriate perspectives and approaches to inclusive design.
  4. executives responsible for procuring outsourced product design services and supplies, and for adhering to agreed specifications. It helps them to sustain the inclusive approach throughout the supply chain.

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PDF Pages PDF Title
2 Committees responsible for this British Standard
4 Contents
9 0 Introduction
12 1 Scope
2 Normative references
13 3 Terms and definitions
14 accessible design
capability demand
15 champion
change team
design exclusion
16 impairment
inclusive design
mainstream product
17 product
18 4 Managing inclusive design at the organization level
4.1 General
4.2 Responsibility for inclusive and assignment of tasks
20 Process for adopting a professional approach to inclusive design at the organization level
21 4.3 Reviews of current operations, facilities, knowledge and achievements
23 4.4 Formulation of inclusive design mission statement, objectives, strategies and plans
24 4.5 Initiating a corporate campaign to introduce a new orientation towards inclusive design
25 4.6 Communication of inclusive design objectives, strategies and programme
26 4.7 Introducing inclusivity into corporate identity and culture
4.8 Corporate infrastructure for managing inclusive design
4.9 Inclusive design in the master design programme
27 4.10 Totality of products, services, processes and facilities
28 4.11 Closeness to markets and success of products
29 4.12 Product development and marketing strategies
30 4.13 Impact of launch on lifetime profitability of product
31 4.14 Promotion, distribution, customer support and disposal
4.15 Legal aspects of managing inclusive design
32 4.16 Innovative alliances
4.17 Investment programmes featuring inclusive design
33 4.18 Reviews and control of inclusive design standards, activities and procedures
34 4.19 Evaluation of corporate performance
35 4.20 Summary checklist for introducing a professional approach to inclusive design management into an organization
39 5 Managing inclusive design at the project level
5.1 General
5.2 Overview of managing inclusive design projects
40 Map of primary design project stages
48 5.3 Primary stages of inclusive design projects
49 Detail relating to primary stages of inclusive design projects, Stage 1: First awareness and understanding of opportunity
50 Detail relating to primary stages of inclusive design projects, Stage 1: First awareness and understanding of opportunity (continued)
51 Detail relating to primary stages of inclusive design projects, Stage 2: Feasibility/Clarify opportunity and prepare context
52 Detail relating to primary stages of inclusive design projects, Stage 2: Feasibility/Clarify opportunity and prepare context (continued)
53 Detail relating to primary stages of inclusive design projects, Stage 3: Design origination – Identify/generate options address opportunity
54 Detail relating to primary stages of inclusive design projects, Stage 3: Design origination – Identify/generate options address opportunity (continued)
55 Detail relating to primary stages of inclusive design projects, Stage 4: Design origination – Develop preferred solution concept(s)
56 Detail relating to primary stages of inclusive design projects, Stage 5: Design development – Detail design
57 Detail relating to primary stages of inclusive design projects, Stage 5: Design development – Detail design (continued)
58 Detail relating to primary stages of inclusive design projects, Stage 6: Design implementation – Realize complete product for delivery
59 Detail relating to primary stages of inclusive design projects, Stage 6: Design implementation – Realize complete product for delivery (continued)
60 Detail relating to primary stages of inclusive design projects, Stage 7: Launch product
61 Detail relating to primary stages of inclusive design projects, Stage 7: Launch product (continued)
62 Detail relating to primary stages of inclusive design projects, Stage 8: Sustain product in the market through improvements and updates
63 Detail relating to primary stages of inclusive design projects, Stage 8: Sustain product in the market through improvements and updates (continued)
64 Detail relating to primary stages of inclusive design projects, Stage 9: Create range/develop integrated system of products to extend market reach over lifecycle
65 Detail relating to primary stages of inclusive design projects, Stage 9: Create range/develop integrated system of products to extend market reach over lifecycle (continued)
66 Detail relating to primary stages of inclusive design projects, Stage 10: Withdraw product from market
67 Detail relating to primary stages of inclusive design projects, Stage 11: Lifetime review of project and product experience, and overall inclusive design approach
68 Detail relating to primary stages of inclusive design projects, Stage 11: Lifetime review of project and product experience, and overall inclusive design approach (continued)
69 5.4 Summary checklist of basics of effective inclusive design management (project level)
71 The challenge of leading inclusivity in business
The challenge of leading inclusivity in business
Understanding market change
Demographic change
UK population by age
72 Legislative change
73 Understanding consumers
Special needs
Disabled consumers
74 Accessible design
Temporary impairment
Multiple impairments
75 Information and communications technology (ICT)
People with special needs in the UK (approximate % of population)
76 Single and multiple capability loss – Prevalence of capabilities (% of UK 65+ population)
77 Single and multiple capability loss – prevalence of capabilities (% of UK 16+ population)
78 People likely to experience problems using IT as a percentage of UK population
79 Workforce issues
80 Tools and techniques for managing inclusive design
Tools and techniques for managing inclusive design
Defining goals
Market surveys
81 Product range reviews
Competitor analyses
Risk-opportunity analyses
Creative thinking techniques
82 Getting to know your users
Focus groups
83 User observations
Structuring and presenting user data
Calibrated simulator
84 Calibrated model
Multimedia snapshots, scenarios and storytelling
Anthropometric and other data, charts and reference tables
85 Verifying user data
Utilising data to design inclusively
Involving users
86 Interaction design
Empathic design
User-centred design (UCD) methods
Assessing and verifying products
87 Expert assessment
Exclusion analyses
User observation
88 User trials
Validating in use
Models of user capabilities and requirements
89 User pyramid
User pyramid
Inclusive design cube
90 Inclusive design cube
91 7-level model for countering design exclusion
BS 7000-6:2005 (large print version)